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unable to upload mission briefing 3A

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  • #52023

    Hello all,
    I have been trying to upload our team’s answer to part A but I appear to be running into a seemingly unfixable issue. The error checker says that the answer is not fully correct but none of the characters from our answer are highlighted. To make things more confusing I tried adding a random letter to the very end of the answer and submitted it, only for the same character to immediately be highlighted! I have tried removing and replacing the last character of our final answer, I have tried adding spaces, I have tried full stops, new lines, nothing. So now I have no idea what to do or how to fix it! Any help would be appreciated!


    Apologies for this, we are working on it and hope to have a fix in place this morning. We will re-mark all submissions at that point. All the best, Harry


    I tried again today and the error checker is now finally highlighting the right character in our original answer and putting a number that was lost while deciphering back in the plain text finally gave me the perfect 100 I was looking for! I don’t know why I thought numbers were on the list of irrelevant characters 😅 I’ll keep that in mind!


    Well, that b**ws. Harry, can you give a rule clarification on digits in plaintexts, going forward?

    [Yes I can – there was a bug in both the marking and feedback system triggered by the accidental inclusion of a digit in the text (we usually take care to ensure numbers are spelled out to avoid problems, but this slipped through the net.) The marking algorithm was looking for the digit and not seeing it, marking the submission as wrong but the feedback system, which was looking for alphabetic characters could find anything to mark up. We fixed the feedback algorithm to acknowledge digits today and will re-run marking for Challenge 2A next week before publishing the tables so no-one will be disadvantaged by this. We are very sorry for the error and hope that the changes we have made will prevent further problems. For the sake of definiteness, numeric characters should not make a difference to a submitted solution as the checker should eliminate them if it is working as intended. Harry]


    Should we re-submit our answers for 2A or leave them as is?

    [If you scored 99% and the only problem is the digit 4 in (or not in) your submission then you can leave it alone and all will come right when we re-mark later in the week. Otherwise probably wise to resubmit. You can never reduced your mark by resubmitting. Harry]


    This doesn’t apply to me, since I am on special assignment and unable to compete, but…
    could you change the website to use the FIRST correct submission, rather than the last,
    in compiling leaderboards. Some of the users in this thread would rather be in the first
    bin instead of the second, just because of the glitch. Those users thank you.

    [It shouldn’t make a difference to the scores, we always maximise them. I know there is an issue about who was “really” first on the leaderboard, but the ordinal assigned (joint first etc) is the position and should be taken at face value. Only the final challenge B is strictly timed. Harry]

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